Climate change

Severe cold surges

At lake Balaton, in Central Europe, the difference in temperature was almost 30 degrees centigrade within four days in February, 2021. The sudden fall in temperature created astonishing ice formations on the shore.

Amazonia is lagging behind…

About 7,900 sq km of the world's largest rainforest was destroyed between August 2017 and July 2018. A negative record in the last decade. Amazonia in itself represents nearly half of all rainforests on Earth.

Extreme low water levels on Danube

Water level of the river Danube has dropped to the lowest point ever recorded in Hungary. On 25th October, 2018 it was 38 cm at Budapest at 9 am hitting a seventy-one-year-old record.

Water Shortage in Cape Town

According to the World Bank 1.6 billion people live in countries suffering from water shortage. By a report of the WRI in Washington two third of the world's population will be affected by the problem by 2025.

Environmental Chaos in China

The price of the enourmous economic development in China is high. Frighteningly high CO2 emission, plus constant pollution of soil and groundwater all leads to global climate change.

Below zero

At lake Balaton as an impact of growing cold, ice widens, the plates are piled up, and a pressure ridge is developed. During winter 2015-2016 that phenomenon could only be observed for three days.


As an impact of the remarkable increase of carbon dioxide concentration and civil air transport, graffiti, which used to be sprayed onto the walls of houses, appeared in the sky.

The private life of Badacsony

As an impact of climate change since the Millennium draughts getting warm above Balaton plus the moving of the sun changing from season to season, have formed unusual phenomena never seen before.

Storm in the Tatras

Temperature fluctuations occuring as an impact of climate change has made the climate of High Tatras rather chaotic. The weather of that area is actually unpredictable.

Drying out at Balaton

The biggest lake of Central Europe has reacted to global warming rather sensitively. There have been many ideas to complement water so far, but all of them raise serious ecological or engineering problems...

Floods of Danube, Budapest

During the last decade there were three enourmous floods on the river Danube. High water marks hit hundred-year-old records along the German, Austrian, Slovakian and Hungarian streches.